Powerbuilder Ole Control Microsoft Web Browser
Posted : admin On 5/11/2019- Starts the default browser as defined in your installation. String ls_url inet iinet_base ls_url. OLEObject IE string ls_ie string ls_url IE = CREATE OLEObject IE.
- When using the Microsoft Web Browser OLE control in a PowerBuilder application some webpages show javascript errors, is there a way to eliminate these?
Microsoft Web Browser Download
Apr 28, 2018 - I'm using WebBrowser control in a window inside a PowerBuilder 11.5 application. Everything works fine on IE7 and IE8 but the application.
i have an ole object i_ole_ie connect on Webbrowser Internet Explorer.By clicking on a row of a datawindow i executed the folow script:
if i_ole_ie.isalive() then
DESTROY i_ole_ie
end if
i_ole_ie = CREATE OLEObject
if not i_ole_ie.isalive() then
end if
i_ole_ie.addressbar = 0
It opens a IE Browser window an navigate to an url with some paramaters. The Web page contain an applet. The applet use Java Sun VM.
Some times when the user does 'multi-stress clicking ;)' (clicking more than once without wait to load the page) the accessing ole object craches. Is oleobject slow?? Why it crashes? How can i check when the page is loaded???
I tried to include the Active X Control IE Browser in a pb window but by default the OCX use Microsoft VM but i need Sun VM. How can i force over OCX to use Sun VM?
I have created an OLE object in a window of Powerbuilder. Andrew bird noble beast torrent. It is created to generate a report on the data sent from Powerbuilder.Point is that I pass the values from Powerbuilder window to the Ole web browser control via URL. The URL contains the server name as well as the data also.
Its working fine but I do not want to send the data via URL. Toad dba suite for oracle 12 keygen. Powersim constructor 64 bit free download. Is there any other way to send the data from the Powerbuilder to Ole web browser control.
1 Answer
Microsoft Web Browser Crossword
Instead of the browser OLE control and URL. why don't you simply create a datawindow for that report and place it on the window and retrieve the data or set the data if its coming from some external source.