Font Ttf Untuk Android Studio
Posted : admin On 4/25/2019Sep 4, 2017 - Exploring how to implement custom fonts on Android by backporting fonts in XML. For developers is the new way to apply fonts right there in your XML files. Android Studio flags the app:fontFamily attribute as “Unexpected.
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I was trying to use custom font in Android Studio as we did in Eclipse. But unfortunately could not figure out where to put the 'assets' folder!
15 Answers
Here are the steps to solve it:
- Go to the (project folder)
- Then app>src>main
- Create folder 'assets>fonts' into the main folder.
Put your .ttf file into the fonts folder.
or try this way:
Select File>New>Folder>Assets Folder
Click finish
Right click on assets and create a folder called fonts
Put your font file in assets>fonts
Use code below to change your textView's font
There are many ways to set custom font family on field and I am using like that below.
To add fonts as resources, perform the following steps in the Android Studio:
1) Right-click the res folder and go to New > Android resource directory. The New Resource Directory window appears.
2) In the Resource type list, select font, and then click OK.
Note: The name of the resource directory must be font.
3) Add your font files in the font folder.
Add font in desired view in your xml file:
Note: But you required following things for that:
Android Studio above to 3.0 canary.
Your Activity extends AppCompatActivity.
Update you gradle file like that:
compileSdkVersion 26buildToolsVersion '26.0.1'defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 19 targetSdkVersion 26 versionCode 1 versionName '1.0' testInstrumentationRunner ''}- buildtoolsVersion above to 26 and minimum targetSdkVersion required 26
Add dependencies in build.gradle file:
classpath ''
I think instead of downloading .ttf file we can use Google fonts. It's very easy to implements. only you have to follow these steps.step 1) Open layout.xml of your project and the select font family of text view in attributes (for reference screen shot is attached)
Sdk Untuk Android Studio
step 2) The in font family select More fonts. option if your font is not there. then you will see a new window will open, there you can type your required font & select the desired font from that list i.e) Regular, Bold, Italic etc. as shown in below image.
step 3) Then you will observe a font folder will be auto generated in /res folder having your selected fonts xml file.
Then you can directly use this font family in xml as
or pro grammatically you can achieve this by using
Hello here we have a better way to apply fonts on EditTexts and TextViews on android at once and apply it in whole project.
First of All you need to make fonts folder. Here are Steps.
1: Go to the (project folder) Then app>src>main
2: Create folders named 'assets/fonts' into the main folder.
3: Put your fonts into the fonts folder. Here I Have 'MavenPro-Regular.ttf'
Here are the Steps for applying custom fonts on EditText and using this approach you can apply fonts on every input.
1 : Create a Class MyEditText (your preferred name ..)
2 : which extends EditText
3 : Apply your font
Here is code Example;
And in Here is the code how to use it.
Or in Your xml File
With Support Library 26.0 (and Android O,) fonts can be loaded from resource easily with
More info can be found here.
You can use easy & simple EasyFonts third party library to set variety of custom font to your TextView
. By using this library you should not have to worry about downloading and adding fonts into the assets/fonts folder. Also about Typeface object creation. You will be free from creating asset folder too.
There are many type of fonts provided by this library.
I want to add my answer for Android-O and Android Studio 2.4
Create folder called font under res folder. Download the various fonts you wanted to add to your project example Google fonts
Inside your xml user font family
example :
3.If you want it to be in programmatic way use following code
for more information follow the link to my blog post Font styles for Android with Android Studio 2.4
As per new feature available in Android O, font resources in XML is avilable as new feature.
To add fonts as resources, perform the following steps in the Android Studio:
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1) Right-click the res folder and go to New > Android resource directory. The New Resource Directory window appears.
2) In the Resource type list, select font, and then click OK.
Note: The name of the resource directory must be font.
3) Add your font files in the font folder.
You can access the font resources with the help of a new resource type, font. For example, to access a font resource, use @font/myfont, or R.font.myfont.
eg. Typeface typeface = getResources().getFont(R.font.myfont);textView.setTypeface(typeface);
- Create folder assets in Project -> app (or your app name) -> src -> main -> right click -> New -> Directory.
- Then create a new directory inside assets called 'fonts'.
To assign the font to the textView:
your_font_name includes font extension.
If you are very new to Android like I am this can be a little tricky. Make sure you call:
method within a method such as onCreate
Android 8.0 (API 26) introduced new features related to fonts.
Android Fonts
1) Fonts can be used as resources.
2) Downloadable fonts.
If you want to use external fonts in your android application, you can either include font files in apk or configure downloadable fonts.
Including font files in APK : You can download font files, save them in res/font filer, define font family and use font family in styles.
For more details on using custom fonts as resources see
Configuring downloadable fonts : Define font by providing font provider details, add font provider certificate and use font in styles.
For more details on downloadable fonts see
First create assets
folder then create fonts
folder in it.
Then you can set font
from assets
or directory
like bellow :
For new readers
You can use this library Gloxey Custom Font Views
gradle dependency
How to use?
Create folder assets ->fonts. Copy your fonts into fonts folder.
Use property app : font_name = 'font_name_string' to apply font on view.
Ttf Font Files
1st add font.ttf file on font Folder. Then Add this line in onCreate method
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protected by Nilesh RathodMay 14 '18 at 4:48
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