Lineage 1 Bot Program For Chatting
Posted : admin On 5/28/2019Adrenalin Bot Lineage 2 (English. — Chat history of shout/private/trade. Hasee laptop wifi drivers download. Allow you to use bot in 1 Lineage client, so to bot on more boxes you need. Colt ar-15 post ban for sale. Lineage 2 Bot. Video Game Bots book. This is a book about video game bots development. Chat bot: Fix bug with nickname selecting in the chat window. Gfi endpoint security removal tool.
Hello guys,I dont know if any here remembers or even know this game. Its Called Lineage. ( no not lineage 2 but just Lineage. it was the first game in this serie ). ( official korean website ) ( is a private server where u could download the game and take a look at it )
I used to play this game for over 10years on the US servers but then they decided to close the servers. ( game is still going strong in Korea and Japan ) Since then i been going around from private server too private server, but since i dont have alot of time anymore to keep up with the die hard gamers i wanted to make a hunting bot for this game.
My plan was to do this with AutoIt so i start learning it. but im wondering now if its even possible to make a hunting bot for this game with AutoIt ?
Chat Bot Online
Could any of you pro's please take a look for me and see if its even possible?I allready made an autoclicker script so u can just put the cursor on a character and it will keep follow it ( use 2 computers ) and then u press heal hotkey and it will heal u. I call it a Semi bot. because i still have to controll everything and use two computers.
But on the automatic hunt bot, im just stuck and getting alot of headache. haha.
I would appreciate it alot if someone can take a look and tell me if its even possible with AutoIt or that its only possible with other programming language.
Thanks in advance.